Thursday, November 14, 2013

Kindle Book Description Models

Description Detective (2)

Description Detective (2)

To Your Success,

Deb & Amy

PS – This is a HUGE time saver during the most crucial stage of publishing – the research stage!

PPS - Immediately get the inside scoop of what your competition is doing 

PPPS – With this price and guarantee – why have you not hit the buy button yet??

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Kindle Book Description Models

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Big Mistakes You Need To Avoid

Big Mistakes You Need To Avoid

Questions and Answers with Marlon Sanders

Presented By Dean Giles

Why do I need to avoid the big mistakes?

What you want to avoid is the big mistakes. It will save you months if not years of wasted time and effort. It means how not to LOSE money, and how to make money while you are doing it.

 What are the big mistakes?

#1 Never doing anything.

#2 Try to sell to everyone.

#3 Spending all of your money on one high-end coaching program without investigating it.

#4 Not building a list.

#5 Searching for the one system that sounds the easiest with the least amount of work.

#6 Not really focusing and getting lead generation down pat.

#7 Thinking you have to have the perfect product before you sell it.

#8 Never getting good at selling.

#9 Hopping on the band wagon.

#10 Doing all of the technical stuff yourself.


Here is a break out of the first few mistakes.

#1 Never doing anything.

This sounds obvious. But it’s an EASY trap to fall into because you keep learning, learning and learning. It’s easy to fall prey to the fear of making mistakes and the fear of being criticized. A lot of people never sell big ticket products because they’re afraid of being criticized. You know, if you sell a $27 ebook, no one is going to get too upset if they think it sucks.

But if you sell something for a G, and people think it sucks, yeah, they’ll complain. But you can’t let that fear hold you back. Just try to produce good products. It’s true that if you do something and it doesn’t work you could feel like your “dream” will never happen. But it’s 100% it’ll never happen if you never do anything.

Instead of seeing your results as your own personal ability being judged, see your activities as performing marketing tests. More on this attitude in a second.

Law 1: Do something.

#2 Try to sell to everyone.

It’s like trying to catch bass in the ocean. You’re probably going to have more success catching bass in a lake. Think of it as fishing in ponds or lakes. Over here you have bass. Over here you have something else.

You have to find a LAKE to fish in. Now, I don’t fish. So it’s not a perfect analogy. But you get the idea. You can look at it as shopping malls. A shopping mall in one part of town is going to have different stores than one in another part of town, right?

You don’t put the Neiman’s or Nordstrom’s (high end stores) in the low rent part of town. The point of targeting a specific group of people is it’s easier to know what they want and be specific about how you provide that.

Look at marketing like this. You have a specific group of people and you are performing a marketing experiment to find out IF these people will actually spend money to solve a problem or get a defined result. It’s a test. It’s an experiment. You do your research to find out what they are already spending money on. Then you find the next link in the chain as I’ve taught in other courses. Then you launch your test out there and see the results. The results are NOT a statement about you nor your marketing.  They’re the results of a test.

Law 2: Find a pond to fish in.

#3 Spending all of your money on one high-end coaching program without investigating it.

I see people spend all their piggy bank money on one high-end program or coaching program without really investigating the feedback on the Internet about it. Be REALLY cautious about spending all your piggy bank on one program that promises the world — EVEN if your favorite “guru” endorses or promotes it. In marketing, you do reciprocal mailings for friends.

It’s almost impossible to avoid. Or you owe someone a favor. Now, I personally do about 100X less of these than anyone else. It’s cost me a great deal of money to NOT do these. But I’ve always tried to put my concerns for my customers first. But even at that, on occasion I owe a favor to a friend. And I work hard to only promote good products when I do that.

But do your research no matter who endorses it … IF it’s a very significant chunk of your piggy bank. If it’s discretionary money, don’t sweat it so much. For me personally, it was a VERY big breakthrough

in 1992 (or somewhere in there) when I spent $5,000 for Jay Abraham’s Marketing Protégé program.

Nowadays many of the things I learned are common knowledge — USP, lifetime value of a customer, endorsed mailings. But at the time, NO ONE taught these things. And I learned an enormous amount very quickly, even though the program wasn’t structured and was more a hodgepodge.

Then again, that’s a bit how Jay’s mind works. And I’m kinda that way too. So it all worked for me. At the time, $5,000 was a lot of money to me. So I kinda spent my piggy bank. So I’m not against big ticket purchases. But some people just buy junk from a high-powered telephone sales pitch and do almost

no research on it…. All because the person on the phone says they are calling on behalf of XYZ guru.

Fact is, some marketers sell their leads to telephone sales rooms that call and sell very large ticket coaching programs. You should know that. I don’t do it. But some people do. A lot of these phone rooms are in Utah. In the biz, it’s known as selling your leads to Utah and everyone knows what that means.

There may be good programs there also. I don’t know all of them. I know that in SOME of the programs, the “coaches” have a notebook with 50 programs in it. And they do coaching for all kinds of programs from real estate to Internet marketing. So you can imagine how useful the coaching is.

They usually start selling at $10,000 and then just keep going lower till people say yes. By the same token, I know of one company like this where the marketer goes In and personally trains the coaches then does monthly follow up with them. So I’m not saying as a blanket statement they’re all bad.

All I’m saying is be smart. Don’t be stupid. Do your research no matter WHO endorses the product.

At the same time, I see people agonize over a $97 product. You know, come on. Keep this in perspective. No one product is going to change your life in all likelihood. Success is the result of an accumulation of knowhow and skills.

Law 3: Do your research.

(Continued….) For the rest of the mistakes download the whole document here (no opt in required).

Do yourself a huge favor, find out what mistakes to avoid, then focus and get your business going.

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Big Mistakes You Need To Avoid

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Give Them What They Want

Give Them What They Want

These immortal words were penned by Churchill, sang by popular hit artists, and recently applied to marketing. In the world of authorship and infopreneuring there could not be a better mantra.

Mark Joyner, in the Great Formula, said, “Find a thirsty crowd, and sell them a glass of water.”

The trick to producing a book or product that sells, isn’t in necessarily finding the “silver bullet” of a topic, as it is finding an “audience” and delivering what they want. I love the imagery that Mark Joyner employs, as he talks about finding a thirsty crowd, then selling them a glass of water.

Where is Your Thirsty Crowd?

Where are the rabid fans that want what you have to deliver? That can be a tricky question. You may have to find them a few at a time and create an email list to cater to their needs. This seems to be a very successful model.

However, getting to a point where you have a following seems to be the real catch. Where do you find your potential customers, and how do you discover what it is that they need?

Finding Your Audience

The Internet has natural pockets of people that share common interests. Usually you can find some of the biggest websites catering to specific interests just by doing Google searches. The top pages returned will often be the ones with the most traffic. You can also search for forums on your chosen topic. There are lots of forums out there.

Now that you have found people interested in your topic, how do you find out what they really want or need? That can be a tricky question also. I find that searching for the threads that have the most views and/or responses tend to let you know what is on the minds of those on the forum. My suggestion is to find the biggest ones, become a member of the forum, and join in the discussion. At some point you can ask, “what are your biggest frustrations?” You want to narrow down their biggest pain points, then you can begin researching how best to help relieve that pain.

Now Give Them What They Want

At this point, you should be very empathetic. You should know a little bit about your audience. You should understand the questions that they are asking, and with a little research you should be able to give them the best answers available at this time. Do a good job with the research—make sure what you give them is actionable, and step-by-step if possible. Focus on solving a single problem, one that can make a good book title, or good sound-bite. That will help build your brand and your name recognition.

Your goal as a writer is to connect to your audience, pull them in, and help them out. If you can do that you will have people returning again, and again to get more of what they want from you. Be sure that your answers are as thorough as they need to be. I have heard Barbara Ling say, ”sell them what they want, but deliver what they need.” I think that is an important point. Often customers have an idea of what it is that they want, but they don’t know exactly what it is that they need. You have done the research, you should know what they need as well, and you have to deliver that.

Writing a book or an information product that sells depends on finding your audience, understanding them well enough, to give them what they want and what they need.

That is the formula in a nut shell. Now go out and put it into practice.

Are you ANGRY about Google Pulling their Keyword Tool?

Thrive with the new Keyword Planner: How to manual

Download the Cheat-Sheet Checklist

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Give Them What They Want

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

30 Day Productivity Plan: Internet Marketer's Edition

The 30 Day Marketing Plan

I just picked up an amazing product. It is called The 30 Day Marketing Plan. It really is a complete system for creating a long-term passive income. It is understanding yourself, then putting into place the systems that will make you productive in the things that will make you money. It was created by a highly successful Internet Marketer named Dennis Becker. Here is what he has to say about the product.


I know that my original and also the updated versions of 5 Bucks a

Day helped 1000′s of people, and this one sort of goes along with

those, because those assumed that someone was not only capable of

knowing what projects to create, but also quick to finish them.

I’ve been asking some questions in my Facebook group, The IM Inside

Track, and am hearing what challenges are facing people.

Although many aren’t putting these exact words on their challenges,

I know from my own history, and observing and listening to 1000′s of

readers and members of Earn1KaDay that one thing people do is overthink


Internet marketing can be thought of as simply giving value to

someone seeking a solution to a problem, where the buyer spends

money for the solution.

Simple really.

There are billions of people online, most of them have multiple

problems that they’re searching for solutions to.

The odds are that you can help some of those billions of people

in some way, shape, or form.

One symptom of overthinking is that there’s a perception that

something that can be found through Google for free has no value.

That’s hardly the case, and I could make a lengthy argument against

that, but can we just agree that people who create infoproducts

giving information that’s freely available can earn money?

Beyond creating infoproducts, there are many other ways to earn a

living online, such as performing services that you can do better

than some of those billions of people… such as creating software

or apps… such as building niche sites, or membership sites…

the list is virtually endless of things that you can help others do.

Many people have created 100′s of products. I have. A bunch of my

associates have.

If you haven’t, I have no doubt that you could, if you change your

thinking and improve your productivity.

That’s where my new book comes in:


There’s a perception that getting a product to market takes a lot

of time. That’s so wrong.

There’s a perception that getting a quality product to market is

difficult. That’s so wrong, also.

You may have a perception that you aren’t capable to producing a

product with value that people will pay for.

Also wrong.

Maybe you’ve tried. Maybe you spent long hours and sleepless nights

trying to get everything done and perfect. Maybe you got frustrated

and gave up. Maybe you got it done but it didn’t sell so well, so

you decided not to do it again.

I’ll admit it, those things happen. They’ve happened to me as well.

My first Warrior Special Offer sold 1 copy. I worked for over 6

months to create that product.

Now I can create 15 or 20 or even more products in 6 months.

I have a system, I have confidence, and I can teach it to you:


Learn how to get more done in the next 30 days than you’ve gotten

done all year. Build a new habit of accomplishment and productivity

to take into 2014, and 2014 will be your best year ever.

The 30 Day Marketing Plan, like 5 Bucks a Day, is destined to be a

classic and evergreen book that you’ll want to read often.

For now, the price is just $9.97 and includes some cool bonus

materials, check it out here:


Have a spectacular day.

Dennis Becker, the 5 Buck Guy

P.S. This is, of course, an introductory price, which will increase



P.P.S. I was encouraged by an early reader that the title of this

book isn’t really doing it justice, and that it could be, should

possibly be “The 30 Day Productivity Plan: Internet Marketers Edition”,

and you know what? That could be true.

The whole concept of this book is to get more done in 30 days than

you’ve gotten done all year, and that’s productivity, right? Maybe

I’ll change the title later, but today… this is an important book

that I want you to read now, so that you can finish 2013 strong and

leap into 2014 on fire:

30 Day Productivity Plan: Internet Marketer's Edition