Thursday, February 7, 2013

Speed Your Prospects to the Buy Button

Get More Conversions Immediately

Ever wondered what’s the MOST important part of copy?

What REALLY makes prospects ZOOM down your sales page and BUY?

Some experts say –
— the headline…
— others say the headline and lead
— others say the offer…

ALL have their points…

Better Conversions…Through Speed…

Here’s the main thing, though —

The LONGER it takes the reader to get to your buy button…

The GREATER the chance that they won’t make it to your BUY button…

And no, this isn’t an argument for using “short copy”…

It is, however, how to make your copy slippery so your prospect discovers themselves at the buy button, ready to buy, before they know it.

But What Makes It Possible?

I shared my techniques with many copy critique clients, and they, too, discovered that they have been able to create even BETTER copy…

In fact, read what one of my recent clients has to say…

On my most recent launch, she critiqued my copy and by following her recommendations and advice, I ended up with the best sales copy I have ever had. I have received multiple comments on how good it is… that has NEVER happened to me before.

– Jon Heusman

Would you like to enjoy those kinds of results?

Then let me introduce you to ….

speed read copy

Speed Read Copy —
SPEED Prospects to your BUY Button
— Faster than EVER!

You’ll discover …

  • The 2 Laws of Copywriting Physics
    • …understand WHAT parts of your copy to spend the most time on…and WHY…
    • …Discover the “3 D’s” of your prospect, and why you should write in a particular way
  • The 4 Laws of Speed Read Copy — how speed reading tactics accelerate your writing
    • The Law Of F____ — and how to get your readers to do this
    • The Law of Frameworks — use this to make your copy more memorable
    • The Law of F____ — don’t let your English teacher see this…but graphic designers will love this…
    • The Law of Flow — get 3 specific techniques to increase the connection between thoughts, creating a greased slide down to your buy button …
  • Along with 3 high-power copywriting frameworks to make writing copy even FASTER and EASIER…

Get yours NOW.


Speed Your Prospects to the Buy Button

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