Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Learn to Write for Kindle

A Non-Fiction Book in 72 Hours or Less

Nancy Hendrickson is a full-time author, she has 13 print books and several Kindle books. She really knows her stuff, and she has an excellent conversational style to her writing.

Nancy’s Credentials

She has a five step system to writing and publishing a book that really makes sense. Hendrickson walks you through the process and points out the important things that need to be done. She is also quick to point out just what is most likely to trip you up as a new or first-time author.

Writing Approach

Hendrickson’s approach is high on quality rather than quantity. Her pet peeve appears to be the proliferation of junk eBooks—and she explains how to avoid those very pit falls, to make sure that your book has quality, a professional cover, and over all competence.

What’s Inside

Discussions on outlining, grammar, and marketing are key areas of focus for the book. But, I really liked the discussion on how to write a non-fiction book fast.

If you are thinking of writing a non-fiction book, this book needs to be in your tool kit!


Order Here: How To Write For Kindle

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