Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A Simple Secret Delivers Huge Results

Here Are The Secrets


Walter said, “Hey Marlon, what did you think of the swimming pool?”

I spit back, “Walter, WHAT swimming pool?”

He said, “Go through the door at the side of the room.”

See, I was there to write a letter to help him sell his seminar. I’d get roughly $7500 to $10,000 for it, not bad for mucking around at Starbucks. So Walter let me stay in the bedroom of his old house (he’d just built a new one).

I opened the door and sure enough. A freakin’ Olympic-sized swimming pool that originally belonged to Franklin D. Roosevelt, the ex-President. It’s not every day you seem something like that in a bedroom.

Then again, it ain’t every day you talk to someone worth SIX HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS, who’s paying you to help THEM sell stuff. But he way he MADE that $600,000,000 million is ever more fascinating — and I’ll tell you about that in a minute…

Walter had a SECRET….

One secret. The first time he used it, he cashed out for $78 million. Then he used the same secret to cash out 3 more times in completely different industries for a grand total of $600 million.

In other words, he took one secret and sucked huge chunks of cash out of 4 entirely different industries using it.

Want to learn the secret?

But that’s not the only secret.

Want to know who has been on the Oprah show 120 times, and what his secret is?

Learn his secret here.

How about a young man at age 19 who brings in $50,000 per month. Want to know what his secret is?

Learn his secret here.

Marlon Sanders has collected a huge number of marketing secrets that he is finally willing to share. He spent years gathering and Thousands of dollars. But you can get it for a pittance.

Just see what secrets might help you.

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A Simple Secret Delivers Huge Results

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