Thursday, December 12, 2013

Best Selling Ideas for Writing Nonfiction

Know Your Customer

Nonfiction is all about delivering what the customer wants. That means solving a real problem, or multiple problems. It usually means step-by-step processes that users can implement immediately to find relief from what is bothering them, or paths to obtaining what they need.

Many nonfiction books are “How To” manuals. People purchase these types of books for personal improvement.

How to Get to Know Your Customer

I read it all the time. If you want to know what your customers want, just “ask them.” That seems pretty easy if you have an email list, a tribe, or a following. Most writers start from scratch. We don’t have any of those things, so we don’t have a built in group of people to ask about to discover what they need.

If you do have a following, and you do have an interactive platform, then start now by asking “what are your biggest frustrations?” Or “what is stopping you from taking the next step?” Open ended questions like these will certainly bring the concerns to the forefront. If you have connected with your audience, you can have a discussion on your blog or other web presence that will narrow down what your customers need.

If you don’t have a following yet, then how do you get to know your customer?

You have to discover where they hang out. You have to interact with them, and you have to begin to build a relationship one person or group at a time.

The most successful authors will have books in a series or clustered in specific niches, because once they have a reader that likes their material, they can make that reader a fan. A true fan will purchase the next book that the author comes out with. A true fan will buy everything that author has to offer about information in his niche or topic of interest.

Create a Customer Funnel

Make no mistake, the best way to develop that fan base is to write more books. If there are no more of your books to read, you will lose your fan base. People will go on to other authors and forget about you. You have to supply what they want–more of your books.

It is true, that as a nonfiction writer, you have to select topics of interest. In the following posts, I will discuss how to find the topics that will garner the most interest, and therefore give you the best chances of writing a successful nonfiction book. But, remember that the strategy is always to create a customer funnel that will readers to you and your books, and will move them from one book to the next. These funnels draw a few people at a time, and over time will create the fan base that you need to sell a lot of books. This isn’t ”

get rich quick” mentality. It isn’t even a quick sprint to riches, but a long term strategy that will produce an increasing stream of income over a period of time and concerted effort.

Thrive with the new Keyword Planner: How to manual

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Best Selling Ideas for Writing Nonfiction

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Kindle Book Description Models

Description Detective (2)

Description Detective (2)

To Your Success,

Deb & Amy

PS – This is a HUGE time saver during the most crucial stage of publishing – the research stage!

PPS - Immediately get the inside scoop of what your competition is doing 

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Kindle Book Description Models

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Big Mistakes You Need To Avoid

Big Mistakes You Need To Avoid

Questions and Answers with Marlon Sanders

Presented By Dean Giles

Why do I need to avoid the big mistakes?

What you want to avoid is the big mistakes. It will save you months if not years of wasted time and effort. It means how not to LOSE money, and how to make money while you are doing it.

 What are the big mistakes?

#1 Never doing anything.

#2 Try to sell to everyone.

#3 Spending all of your money on one high-end coaching program without investigating it.

#4 Not building a list.

#5 Searching for the one system that sounds the easiest with the least amount of work.

#6 Not really focusing and getting lead generation down pat.

#7 Thinking you have to have the perfect product before you sell it.

#8 Never getting good at selling.

#9 Hopping on the band wagon.

#10 Doing all of the technical stuff yourself.


Here is a break out of the first few mistakes.

#1 Never doing anything.

This sounds obvious. But it’s an EASY trap to fall into because you keep learning, learning and learning. It’s easy to fall prey to the fear of making mistakes and the fear of being criticized. A lot of people never sell big ticket products because they’re afraid of being criticized. You know, if you sell a $27 ebook, no one is going to get too upset if they think it sucks.

But if you sell something for a G, and people think it sucks, yeah, they’ll complain. But you can’t let that fear hold you back. Just try to produce good products. It’s true that if you do something and it doesn’t work you could feel like your “dream” will never happen. But it’s 100% it’ll never happen if you never do anything.

Instead of seeing your results as your own personal ability being judged, see your activities as performing marketing tests. More on this attitude in a second.

Law 1: Do something.

#2 Try to sell to everyone.

It’s like trying to catch bass in the ocean. You’re probably going to have more success catching bass in a lake. Think of it as fishing in ponds or lakes. Over here you have bass. Over here you have something else.

You have to find a LAKE to fish in. Now, I don’t fish. So it’s not a perfect analogy. But you get the idea. You can look at it as shopping malls. A shopping mall in one part of town is going to have different stores than one in another part of town, right?

You don’t put the Neiman’s or Nordstrom’s (high end stores) in the low rent part of town. The point of targeting a specific group of people is it’s easier to know what they want and be specific about how you provide that.

Look at marketing like this. You have a specific group of people and you are performing a marketing experiment to find out IF these people will actually spend money to solve a problem or get a defined result. It’s a test. It’s an experiment. You do your research to find out what they are already spending money on. Then you find the next link in the chain as I’ve taught in other courses. Then you launch your test out there and see the results. The results are NOT a statement about you nor your marketing.  They’re the results of a test.

Law 2: Find a pond to fish in.

#3 Spending all of your money on one high-end coaching program without investigating it.

I see people spend all their piggy bank money on one high-end program or coaching program without really investigating the feedback on the Internet about it. Be REALLY cautious about spending all your piggy bank on one program that promises the world — EVEN if your favorite “guru” endorses or promotes it. In marketing, you do reciprocal mailings for friends.

It’s almost impossible to avoid. Or you owe someone a favor. Now, I personally do about 100X less of these than anyone else. It’s cost me a great deal of money to NOT do these. But I’ve always tried to put my concerns for my customers first. But even at that, on occasion I owe a favor to a friend. And I work hard to only promote good products when I do that.

But do your research no matter who endorses it … IF it’s a very significant chunk of your piggy bank. If it’s discretionary money, don’t sweat it so much. For me personally, it was a VERY big breakthrough

in 1992 (or somewhere in there) when I spent $5,000 for Jay Abraham’s Marketing Protégé program.

Nowadays many of the things I learned are common knowledge — USP, lifetime value of a customer, endorsed mailings. But at the time, NO ONE taught these things. And I learned an enormous amount very quickly, even though the program wasn’t structured and was more a hodgepodge.

Then again, that’s a bit how Jay’s mind works. And I’m kinda that way too. So it all worked for me. At the time, $5,000 was a lot of money to me. So I kinda spent my piggy bank. So I’m not against big ticket purchases. But some people just buy junk from a high-powered telephone sales pitch and do almost

no research on it…. All because the person on the phone says they are calling on behalf of XYZ guru.

Fact is, some marketers sell their leads to telephone sales rooms that call and sell very large ticket coaching programs. You should know that. I don’t do it. But some people do. A lot of these phone rooms are in Utah. In the biz, it’s known as selling your leads to Utah and everyone knows what that means.

There may be good programs there also. I don’t know all of them. I know that in SOME of the programs, the “coaches” have a notebook with 50 programs in it. And they do coaching for all kinds of programs from real estate to Internet marketing. So you can imagine how useful the coaching is.

They usually start selling at $10,000 and then just keep going lower till people say yes. By the same token, I know of one company like this where the marketer goes In and personally trains the coaches then does monthly follow up with them. So I’m not saying as a blanket statement they’re all bad.

All I’m saying is be smart. Don’t be stupid. Do your research no matter WHO endorses the product.

At the same time, I see people agonize over a $97 product. You know, come on. Keep this in perspective. No one product is going to change your life in all likelihood. Success is the result of an accumulation of knowhow and skills.

Law 3: Do your research.

(Continued….) For the rest of the mistakes download the whole document here (no opt in required).

Do yourself a huge favor, find out what mistakes to avoid, then focus and get your business going.

Are you ANGRY about Google Pulling their Keyword Tool?

Thrive with the new Keyword Planner: How to manual

Download the Cheat-Sheet Checklist

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Big Mistakes You Need To Avoid

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Give Them What They Want

Give Them What They Want

These immortal words were penned by Churchill, sang by popular hit artists, and recently applied to marketing. In the world of authorship and infopreneuring there could not be a better mantra.

Mark Joyner, in the Great Formula, said, “Find a thirsty crowd, and sell them a glass of water.”

The trick to producing a book or product that sells, isn’t in necessarily finding the “silver bullet” of a topic, as it is finding an “audience” and delivering what they want. I love the imagery that Mark Joyner employs, as he talks about finding a thirsty crowd, then selling them a glass of water.

Where is Your Thirsty Crowd?

Where are the rabid fans that want what you have to deliver? That can be a tricky question. You may have to find them a few at a time and create an email list to cater to their needs. This seems to be a very successful model.

However, getting to a point where you have a following seems to be the real catch. Where do you find your potential customers, and how do you discover what it is that they need?

Finding Your Audience

The Internet has natural pockets of people that share common interests. Usually you can find some of the biggest websites catering to specific interests just by doing Google searches. The top pages returned will often be the ones with the most traffic. You can also search for forums on your chosen topic. There are lots of forums out there.

Now that you have found people interested in your topic, how do you find out what they really want or need? That can be a tricky question also. I find that searching for the threads that have the most views and/or responses tend to let you know what is on the minds of those on the forum. My suggestion is to find the biggest ones, become a member of the forum, and join in the discussion. At some point you can ask, “what are your biggest frustrations?” You want to narrow down their biggest pain points, then you can begin researching how best to help relieve that pain.

Now Give Them What They Want

At this point, you should be very empathetic. You should know a little bit about your audience. You should understand the questions that they are asking, and with a little research you should be able to give them the best answers available at this time. Do a good job with the research—make sure what you give them is actionable, and step-by-step if possible. Focus on solving a single problem, one that can make a good book title, or good sound-bite. That will help build your brand and your name recognition.

Your goal as a writer is to connect to your audience, pull them in, and help them out. If you can do that you will have people returning again, and again to get more of what they want from you. Be sure that your answers are as thorough as they need to be. I have heard Barbara Ling say, ”sell them what they want, but deliver what they need.” I think that is an important point. Often customers have an idea of what it is that they want, but they don’t know exactly what it is that they need. You have done the research, you should know what they need as well, and you have to deliver that.

Writing a book or an information product that sells depends on finding your audience, understanding them well enough, to give them what they want and what they need.

That is the formula in a nut shell. Now go out and put it into practice.

Are you ANGRY about Google Pulling their Keyword Tool?

Thrive with the new Keyword Planner: How to manual

Download the Cheat-Sheet Checklist

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Give Them What They Want

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

30 Day Productivity Plan: Internet Marketer's Edition

The 30 Day Marketing Plan

I just picked up an amazing product. It is called The 30 Day Marketing Plan. It really is a complete system for creating a long-term passive income. It is understanding yourself, then putting into place the systems that will make you productive in the things that will make you money. It was created by a highly successful Internet Marketer named Dennis Becker. Here is what he has to say about the product.


I know that my original and also the updated versions of 5 Bucks a

Day helped 1000′s of people, and this one sort of goes along with

those, because those assumed that someone was not only capable of

knowing what projects to create, but also quick to finish them.

I’ve been asking some questions in my Facebook group, The IM Inside

Track, and am hearing what challenges are facing people.

Although many aren’t putting these exact words on their challenges,

I know from my own history, and observing and listening to 1000′s of

readers and members of Earn1KaDay that one thing people do is overthink


Internet marketing can be thought of as simply giving value to

someone seeking a solution to a problem, where the buyer spends

money for the solution.

Simple really.

There are billions of people online, most of them have multiple

problems that they’re searching for solutions to.

The odds are that you can help some of those billions of people

in some way, shape, or form.

One symptom of overthinking is that there’s a perception that

something that can be found through Google for free has no value.

That’s hardly the case, and I could make a lengthy argument against

that, but can we just agree that people who create infoproducts

giving information that’s freely available can earn money?

Beyond creating infoproducts, there are many other ways to earn a

living online, such as performing services that you can do better

than some of those billions of people… such as creating software

or apps… such as building niche sites, or membership sites…

the list is virtually endless of things that you can help others do.

Many people have created 100′s of products. I have. A bunch of my

associates have.

If you haven’t, I have no doubt that you could, if you change your

thinking and improve your productivity.

That’s where my new book comes in:


There’s a perception that getting a product to market takes a lot

of time. That’s so wrong.

There’s a perception that getting a quality product to market is

difficult. That’s so wrong, also.

You may have a perception that you aren’t capable to producing a

product with value that people will pay for.

Also wrong.

Maybe you’ve tried. Maybe you spent long hours and sleepless nights

trying to get everything done and perfect. Maybe you got frustrated

and gave up. Maybe you got it done but it didn’t sell so well, so

you decided not to do it again.

I’ll admit it, those things happen. They’ve happened to me as well.

My first Warrior Special Offer sold 1 copy. I worked for over 6

months to create that product.

Now I can create 15 or 20 or even more products in 6 months.

I have a system, I have confidence, and I can teach it to you:


Learn how to get more done in the next 30 days than you’ve gotten

done all year. Build a new habit of accomplishment and productivity

to take into 2014, and 2014 will be your best year ever.

The 30 Day Marketing Plan, like 5 Bucks a Day, is destined to be a

classic and evergreen book that you’ll want to read often.

For now, the price is just $9.97 and includes some cool bonus

materials, check it out here:


Have a spectacular day.

Dennis Becker, the 5 Buck Guy

P.S. This is, of course, an introductory price, which will increase



P.P.S. I was encouraged by an early reader that the title of this

book isn’t really doing it justice, and that it could be, should

possibly be “The 30 Day Productivity Plan: Internet Marketers Edition”,

and you know what? That could be true.

The whole concept of this book is to get more done in 30 days than

you’ve gotten done all year, and that’s productivity, right? Maybe

I’ll change the title later, but today… this is an important book

that I want you to read now, so that you can finish 2013 strong and

leap into 2014 on fire:

30 Day Productivity Plan: Internet Marketer's Edition

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Online Expert

Get Expert Results By Doing What The Experts Do


If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a Model is worth ten-thousand words.

I started taking piano lessons when I was eight or nine years old. My aunt was my piano teacher, and a  pretty good one at that. Being a typical boy, I had a hard time taking time out to practice, but my aunt was patient with me, and figured out how to motivate me.

One particular lesson had each hand working a different rhythm. I could see the notes on the paper, my aunt had explained to me what I was supposed to be doing, intellectually it all made sense–but my little hands just wouldn’t cooperate.

Whether it was inspiration or desperation on her part, she sat down on the piano bench next to me and placing her hands in the same position on the piano, only a couple of octaves higher, and played the little excerpt with me. I was able to watch her expert fingers do what I had felt was impossible. It all sort of clicked for me then. I was able to mimic what she was doing and get the piece down perfectly.

I have seen so many struggle dearly online. They are doing what they have been told from countless products and eBooks, but when it comes to making money online–success only happens when they can break down a successful model and duplicate it.

Marlon Sanders has captured the essence of 21 online experts showing you the working of their ultra-successful models. He has a lifetime worth of interviews and commentary where he takes apart the secrets that make the models successful and outline them step-by-step. Marlon Sanders is known as the King of step-by-step marketing, because no one else can break down the complexities of online marketing and deliver them in bite sized morsels that anyone can digest.

This is the culmination of his life’s accumulation of marketing models, and he is sharing them for the first time.

You owe it to yourself to get the models that actually work, with Marlon’s expert dissection and commentary, you will be able to get the results of the experts by following their simple but effective models.

Get the expert models here:

Are you ANGRY about Google Pulling their Keyword Tool?

Thrive with the new Keyword Planner: How to manual

Download the Cheat-Sheet Checklist

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Online Expert

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A Simple Secret Delivers Huge Results

Here Are The Secrets


Walter said, “Hey Marlon, what did you think of the swimming pool?”

I spit back, “Walter, WHAT swimming pool?”

He said, “Go through the door at the side of the room.”

See, I was there to write a letter to help him sell his seminar. I’d get roughly $7500 to $10,000 for it, not bad for mucking around at Starbucks. So Walter let me stay in the bedroom of his old house (he’d just built a new one).

I opened the door and sure enough. A freakin’ Olympic-sized swimming pool that originally belonged to Franklin D. Roosevelt, the ex-President. It’s not every day you seem something like that in a bedroom.

Then again, it ain’t every day you talk to someone worth SIX HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS, who’s paying you to help THEM sell stuff. But he way he MADE that $600,000,000 million is ever more fascinating — and I’ll tell you about that in a minute…

Walter had a SECRET….

One secret. The first time he used it, he cashed out for $78 million. Then he used the same secret to cash out 3 more times in completely different industries for a grand total of $600 million.

In other words, he took one secret and sucked huge chunks of cash out of 4 entirely different industries using it.

Want to learn the secret?

But that’s not the only secret.

Want to know who has been on the Oprah show 120 times, and what his secret is?

Learn his secret here.

How about a young man at age 19 who brings in $50,000 per month. Want to know what his secret is?

Learn his secret here.

Marlon Sanders has collected a huge number of marketing secrets that he is finally willing to share. He spent years gathering and Thousands of dollars. But you can get it for a pittance.

Just see what secrets might help you.

Are you ANGRY about Google Pulling their Keyword Tool?

Thrive with the new Keyword Planner: How to manual

Download the Cheat-Sheet Checklist

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A Simple Secret Delivers Huge Results

Friday, October 25, 2013

Facebook for Every Phone What's in it for you?

Why Facebook?

Even my kids all have a Facebook account. They post funny pictures and let me know about upcoming events that I wouldn’t know about if it weren’t for Facebook. I hate that I have become an addict, but frankly I would have a hard time without Facebook.

Well, some very intelligent people have extended my access in so many wonderful ways. Facebook for every phone has made the Facebook app available on as many as 3000 devices.

Facebook Everywhere

I have it available when I’m traveling or just waiting in line. Facebook is easier than email, and with messaging can be just as immediate. I just love the multi-media, where I can create and post video instantaneously. I love that I can catch up with old friends, be reminded of reunions and get-togethers.

But, best of all, now it is available as an app on any of my devices. I can jump on my iPod, when all of the computers in the house are in use, and it is available immediately.

Facebook and Lists

I have also found that Facebook is the new way to create a list. They say that the money is in the list. I have spent a bit of time and money trying to build up an email list. With the new tabs in Gmail, my open rates have fallen below 50%. In one list it was under 10%.

Facebook Fanpages create lists much easier, and it happens to be people who are on Facebook all of the time, and who participate in online discussions.

Facebook People Are Also Buyers

People on facebook buy things. They buy things online, and they use the social media to tell them what it is that they should buy. How many likes do you see run by your feed. That is people socially sharing what they have bought or what they are thinking about buying.

I found an amazing product that can put Amazon Products on my Facebook Fanpage in three easy steps.


Finally, a quick way to fill out a fanpage, and actually get paid for it. This is the monetization method that can use the biggest social network to drive traffic to you, and pay you handsomely for it. And it is so fast and so easy to use. The thing is, you are going to be on Facebook anyway–why not make it profitable to be there?

Just take a peek at how it can work for you.

Are you ANGRY about Google Pulling their Keyword Tool?

Thrive with the new Keyword Planner: How to manual

Download the Cheat-Sheet Checklist

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Facebook for Every Phone What's in it for you?

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Learning From Hard Knocks

“How The School of Hard Knocks Taught Me The Importance of ‘The List’ – And How This Factor Will Change All Your Marketing From This Day Forward”

Marlon Sanders

Article by Marlon Sanders

Where have you been going wrong? Where’s your money. Why hasn’t your money been coming to you? How do you loose your money so it flows to you in abundance?

How do you finally get a product or service that people buy? How do you finally have a product or service that people send you money for.

Marlon, how do I make this happen for me? I’ve tried. I’ve read the E-books. I’ve done the stuff. I’ve tried this or that. My money has not come to me. People have not clicked on my order form. People have not bought my product. It hasn’t been working for me. Marlon, how do I make things go right?

I remember back when I was a beginner. The same exact questions haunted me. The key is to understand the big picture. Then you can work down to specifics from there. But without understanding the big picture, you’re punching at a shadow and wasting a lot of energy.

There are four basic reasons your money is not coming to you. In this article, I’m focusing on reason number one – your list.

I can best illustrate what the list means by giving you a personal illustration.

When I first graduated from college, the only job I could get was selling insurance. Well, they told me I was selling “retirement plans.” But actually, it was whole life insurance.

Anyway, here I am sittin’ across the table from a guy tryin’ my best to get him to buy a retirement plan from me. Now, somewhere in our conversation he tells me that for Christmas that year, his church brought him a turkey.

Now, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to realize that if his church brought him a turkey for Christmas the dude didn’t have any money. But I didn’t understand that believe it or not!

The guy I was trying to sell to was my list. In this case, my list universe size was one. I had one dude I was giving my well-rehearsed sales talk to. I could recite every word by memory. The gestures were perfectly synchronized with the pages in my pitch book.

But the dude had no money. My list was broke. I don’t care how great or spectacular my sales presentation was, the guy couldn’t buy a turkey for his family for Christmas. I doubt he’s got money under the mattress so he can eat in his old age. He can’t eat now!

In contrast, at another time I called on a lady who pulled out her address book and referred me to all her friends. That week I was twelfth in the nation in sales because all her friends bought.

The difference?

I had a different list. In this case, the list was basically the address book of personal friends the lady referred me to.

On another occasion a lady referred me to her friends but none of them even kept appointments with me. Why? The quality of the list. In this case, apparently the lady’s friends didn’t think much of the quality of her opinion. Probably because she was broke. And they figured taking financial advice from her wasn’t a good idea.

Are you beginning to see the importance of the list?

Your list is the people you sell to. The people who call or walk in the door of your business. The people who come to your web site. The people who join your opt-in list. The people who click on your ppc words. The people who call you up on the phone. The people you give your sales presentation to.

If you’re not selling as much as you want, or you’re selling almost nothing at all, maybe you’re delivering your message to the wrong audience. If you have a cure for cancer but you’re trying to sell it to people dying of heart disease, you’re speaking to the wrong crowd.

One more example.

I once was a copywriter for a company that had a great method of list-building. The CEO of the company had networked with a number of seminar companies. These companies were always on the road conducting seminars.

The attendees of these seminars paid a lot of money to be there. So they were not broke. And they obviously had a need or interest or they wouldn’t have paid to attend a seminar on the topic.

Through his networking expertise, the CEO got these seminar companies to refer attendees to his company for the service he provided. These referrals cost him nothing. And get this: He got about 60 phone calls a day from these referrals!

At zero cost.

And remember, these referrals had money and a demonstrated interest in his product or service. That’s what you call a high quality list.

The point is, the people you’re selling your product or service to have more to do with your sales ratio or conversion rate than any other factor.

From this day forward, all your marketing efforts should change. Why? Because you’ll start focusing on the number one thing that matters – and that is getting your message to the exact people who have interest and the ability to buy.

And that little change right there can make all the difference in the world.

- Marlon Sanders


Marlon Sanders is the author of The Amazing Formula That Sells Like Crazy, The Push Button Letters Software, How to Create Your Own Products in a Flash, Gimme My Money Now, The Marlon Sanders’ Marketing Dashboard, The Cash Like Clockwork System, The Action Grid System, The New Wave Direct Mail Success System and many other marketing systems, tools, courses and software programs.

Visit Marlon’s blog at:

For an in-depth look at the new “point ‘n click” Marlon Sanders’ Marketing Dashboard just click here to visit the web site:

Learning From Hard Knocks

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Secrets of Success

“Gimme The Secrets”


Ever want to know what makes Kentucky Fried Chicken so delectable, or thought it might be fun to learn from Duke what was really in those Bush’s baked beans?

The truth is that most successes are set apart from the non-successes by only a few small things. Usually the secret sauce, the secret herbs and spices, well, you get the picture. The few minute ingredients that just make the award winning taste or the amazing customer experience.

What if someone could share a lifetime worth of Internet Marketing secrets that he gleaned right from the mouths of immensely successful people?

Marlon Sanders, successful in his own right, shares the “secrets” collected over a lifetime with everyone who wants to be successful.

Take a peek here.

Borrow THESE Marketing Secrets And Apply Them To Your Product, Service or Industry

  • How a friend of mine at age 19 made $50,000 a month in Poland. And to this day, he’s only grown by multiples of income with his secret strategy. You won’t believe some of the conversations I’ve had on Skype! Could you use his strategy next week?

  • They’re one of the largest marketers of big ticket seminars to dentists in the U.S. Yet, they have such a simple secret, it’s crazy. I got their Director of Marketing on the horn and spilled their secret. You won’t hear this ANYWHERE else.

  • Top-selling jokes book author has BIZARRE method of writing and selling joke books that brought in huge royalties. Her average book sells 10,000 copies vs. the 3,000 copies that is normally considered exceptional….I’m talking bookstore sales at full prices, not Amazon. In retrospect, it all makes sense. But I woulda never guessed this one in a billion years. Clever lady. Great secret. Read more about it here.

  • The oddball marketing system used by one of the top sales people for tear gas in the U.S. I had to work at the company to find that one out. It was a bit of a long summer. But hey, I got on TV, so it wasn’t all bad. Kinda sucked when I squirted myself in the face with teargas accidentally!

  • How an insurance agent used the simplest darned postcard in the world to end up OWNING the agency he was selling for, generating leads for a whole boatload of sales people! This is the quintessential lesson in simplicity, creativity, marketing acumen and lead generation.

  • The seminar company that found out the WEIRDEST possible thing made a massive difference in how much people bought on the “back end.” Hint: It has to do with the airport but you’d never guess it in a million years.

  • The taxi cab driver I met in Nashville who had the cleverest little marketing system that snagged him ALL the primo runs to the airport that all the other taxi drivers fight over. And all it cost was $5 per hotel. What if you set up a referral network for your business based on this same idea? What if you had a steady stream of referrals from 10 different sources every day? What would that mean?

  • A famous book author uses the craziest method ever to get individuals to buy 300 copies of his books — and more (NO, it wasn’t affiliate commissions). He even had people buy 5,000 copies. And it’s the same method a friend of mine used as a girl to sell more tickets to the boat show than anyone else!

  • What are the numbers when you run Facebook ads then send ‘em to a webinar sign up page? How much per registration? Per live attendee? What’s the close ratio? For a few of my friends, this is nothin’ but money. Get the details here.

You really only have two choices. Reach out and get the secrets! Or, stay in the dark and wish you had.

To your Ultimate Success,


P.S. Here are some other articles that might be of interest.

 Are you ANGRY about Google Pulling their Keyword Tool?

Thrive with the new Keyword Planner: How to manual

Download the Cheat-Sheet Checklist

Other Related Articles

and one last chance to learn those secrets:


The Secrets of Success

Thursday, October 17, 2013

What is Your Why?

Why Do You Want an Online Business?


What Do You Want From Your Online Business?

Do you just need a little extra money for those car repairs, or do you want to change your entire life-style.

I listened to Connie Ragen Green. She explained that she was a school teacher–because she wanted to help people. She went back to school after she was 30 years old to get her degree. In the first year or two of teaching, they had a teacher strike. She found herself without an income and no control over her life.

She had been working as a Real Estate agent, and tried doing some of that to keep her finances going, but at that time she knew she needed something different.

She is a four time cancer survivor and now does a lot of charity work. Her why was she wanted a consistent income and wanted to be able to do things that help others.

I Experienced a Couple of Lay-offs

I thought life was going along well. Not exceptional, but well. Then my world was turned upside down. After 21 years at a company, I was laid off. It took more than 6 months to get the next job, and it only lasted 9 months. I was out of work again, out of money, and quite desperate.

I found another job, at a lot less than I was making, and with health benefits that left a lot to be desired. I found myself going in debt more and more each month.

I needed money to pay debts, to make up some retirement holes, and now I needed money to get children in college.

That was why I started dabbling online.

The Government Shutdown

I found a number of people that were in a bad situation. They were “furloughed” from their government jobs because politics caused a government shut down.

If you are looking for a more predictable paycheck, and for more money to make life better, then you need to look at online businesses.

I was helped along the way with an amazing formula.

Get a hold of the Amazing Formula here: ==>

 Are you ANGRY about Google Pulling their Keyword Tool?

Thrive with the new Keyword Planner: How to manual

Download the Cheat-Sheet Checklist

Other Related Articles

What is Your Why?

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Amazing Formula Review

Finally! A Winning Formula for Making Money on the Web!


e-Book Review of:

The Amazing Formula that Sells Products Like Crazy

Reviewed by Robert G. Gardner, Ph.D

Sure, you should know better, but how many times have you been a victim of the too good to be true syndrome? I know I’m not the Lone Ranger when I’m on the receiving end of those Secrets of Getting Rich on the Internet! e-mails that line up in my inbox. They show up almost every day, with screaming subject lines that are rich with promise: Absolutely Guaranteed! Surefire Success with Internet Marketing! Easy Money through Web Selling! And on and on.

Sometimes I blow these messages away instantly, without even thinking about it. Other times my curiosity (or boredom) gets the better of me and I open the file, follow the links, and spend a few minutes reading the hype. Then I go away disappointed. Lots of sizzle, but Ill have to pay a lot more if I want to taste the steak. If its there at all! Ive quickly reached the point where I don’t know who to trust or what to believe. If it looks too good to be true, were told over and over again, it probably is. Sound familiar?

But, if you’re like me, you’re more than half serious about making money on the Internet. You may have little more than a web page and a desire to earn more with your computer. Yet, up to now there’s been no real plan, no method to the madness. So you keep on searching for secrets you can use a little bit from this guru and a little bit from that one. All the while, you’re wishing for that no-nonsense, soup-to-nuts system that really works. One that’s built from successful experience and that covers all the bases. No illusions, no bottled smoke, no magic bullets.

Call off the hounds! The search is over.

I just discovered Marlon Sanders The Amazing Formula that Sells Products Like Crazy. This carefully constructed, gem-packed e-book is the first common sense, how-to system on web-based product marketing Ive seen yet. And believe me, with all those spam e-mails coming across my desktop, Ive become an expert on what doesn’t get it done for me!

First off, Marlon makes no assumptions about his readers online sales know-how. And he offers no guarantee that his system will make anybody millions from selling products on the web. What he does produce is good, solid guidance (and there’s plenty of it) on cutting through all the crap and getting down to business on the Internet. Its a roll up your sleeves and do it system that’s worked for others in the same boat I’m in. If I follow the formula, Ill increase my odds for success. With a money-back guarantee. That’s all anybody could ask for!

Just like a friend talking to you from across the dining room table, Marlon speaks with passion and conviction about a subject he obviously knows a lot about. And he shatters every myth the so-called experts have led me to believe about selling products on the Internet. Here’s the biggest myth: Web marketing has to be complicated. Its not rocket science, Marlon tells us at the outset. Then again, he adds, rocket science isn’t what makes you money.

No deep diving is required to get these pearls. Every step in Marlon’s truly amazing formula is powerful in its simplicity. Here we have a ready-made cookbook for making money online, covering every aspect of web-site marketing. The whole lifecycle of the marketing process is completely and clearly described for you, including how to: understand the important Internet money equation for implementing the formula, obtain hot product ownership, write the killer sales letter, get and build a list, generate leads, create repeat business, and increase your sales ratio.

Its all there, in easy to digest sections that flow so smoothly you actually want to read on and get to the next step. Marlon’s system is packed with real-life examples, quick-hit lists of reminders and action items, and links to web sites for more information on a topic hes discussing. Need information on franchise laws? The book gives you the URL to click to and get the data immediately. The amazing formulas got it covered. How about a mailings program? A web site is served right up.

Bottom line: The Amazing Formula that Sells Products Like Crazy really works. It promises an amazing formula for success and then delivers it to you in a way that will excite anyone looking to taste that steak behind the sizzle. This is a must-read for e-business entrepreneurs interested in learning from a pro at web-site marketing.

–Robert G. Gardner, Ph.D

Get a hold of the Amazing Formula here: ==>

Dr. Gardner writes professionally and, as such, was compensated for preparing this review.

Are you ANGRY about Google Pulling their Keyword Tool?

Thrive with the new Keyword Planner: How to manual

Download the Cheat-Sheet Checklist

Other Related Articles

Amazing Formula Review

Thursday, October 10, 2013

What is Easy Paycheck Formula 2?

Easy Paycheck Formula 2 is a new system for creating quick & easy passive income streams.


It’s so simple – you don’t even need your own site…

Basically, what you’re going to do is create a special type of page (this is quick and easy).

This type of page ranks fast on Google because it resides on a site with high authority. Google LOVES this site. So it’s pages get lots of Google traffic every day – even with all the recent Google updates.

As you wait to get traffic from Google, you’ll get buyers (and profits) to your page using 2 very simple traffic techniques for immediate visitors. And of course – you’ll easily turn that traffic into sales.

What Makes This Course Unique?

  1. First of all, the system is unique. As far as I know, there are no other courses that teach this exact process.

  2. It uses only free tools. Once you get the course there is NO additional investment to make.

  3. You can make sales right away because you’ll get non-Google traffic fast.

  4. You’ll easily get traffic from Google as well.

  5. Newbies will find it easy to follow because of the step-by-step instructions that leave nothing out. Yet more advanced people will learn new things they did not know.

  6. Support is excellent.

What’s Inside?

The course includes a very detailed eBook with screenshots and action steps. It also includes excellent help desk support.

Everything is covered and no steps are left out.

There is no fluff in this eBook, and no hype. Everything is straight to the point. Exactly what you need to make money. No more and no less.

The eBook is divided into 6 parts.

Part 1:

Here you’ll choose a winning product and good keywords. Everything is laid out very simply and Sara has gotten it down to a science. If a product (or keyword) meets the criteria that is spelled out – it is a winner. If it doesn’t – it’s not.

Part 2:

Once you pick a product and keywords, you’ll create a very quick and easy webpage on a free site. Sara explains exactly how to do this in the most effective way.

Part 3:

Once your page has been set up, Sara shows you how to make yourself look like an authority. With an absurdly simple technique you’ll attract Facebook likes, Google +1′s and lots of comments from real people.

Part 4:

Now it’s time to get traffic and buyers . IMMEDIATELY. And not from Google. Sara will show you 2 techniques she has developed to get immediate buyers to your page.

Part 5:

Time for Google traffic! Part 5 will show you some powerful links that Google loves. Very few people in the world understand how to get these links. So you’ll have a huge advantage over everyone else.

Part 6:

With just a few extra backlinks, you’ll rank well on Google and get those buyers over to your page. These are a few basic backlinking techniques, but that’s all you need once you’re done with part 5. Remember, you’ll be placing your page on a site that Google loves + getting some really powerful backlinks!

That’s it. Now all you need to do is sit back and watch the commissions come in.

As I said, passive income…

If you need any help in the process, Sara and her help desk are always there for you.

In Sara’s examples she uses Amazon for her affiliate links. But she also provides you with another affiliate network you can join – one that is perfect if you can’t or won’t work with Amazon.

You can also use her system to promote Clickbank products, or any other products that have an affiliate program.

Who is it for?

  • Newbies who are ready to make their first sales online (lots of Sara’s students have made their first sales this way).

  • Intermediate marketers who want extra passive income streams.

  • People who want to test niches BEFORE investing lots of time and money building a site.

Easy Paycheck Formula 2 Works:

Sara is a stay-at-home mom with 7 kids. The system has been working for her. If she can do it, so can you…

Other people who have used this system have gotten great results.

Jenny from Australia: “$285 in sales in the first few days”.

Judith earned her first commissions in less than a week.

Kimji from the Philippines: made $13,700.51 in Amazon sales in one month.

Want more proof and testimonials from my students? Get it here.

Why EPF2?

Easy Paycheck Formula 2 is exactly what the market needs today.


Because people are very frustrated with all the Google updates that were rolled out in the past year. They are also bewildered by the complex and time-consuming methods out there.

They just want a simple way to make money.

And that’s exactly what EPF2 is.

What are the OTOs?

The EPF2 eBook is a complete system. You don’t need anything else to make money!

However, once you get the eBook, you’ll be asked if you’d like to watch Sara build a campaign from scratch. I recommend you get this if you’re the kind of person who likes to see a system in action. You will have a chance to look over Sara’s shoulder as she creates her campaign. This will help you ensure that you are doing things EXACTLY right. Just watch the videos and see what Sara is doing in one window, and do the same in another. Step by step.

In addition, if you’re in a real hurry to make money, you can join Sara’s membership site and get the tools she uses to speed things up. You’ll also get access to monthly advanced lessons that will speed up the process and help you make more money from the system.

But again, these are purely optional. You can get just the eBook and be on your way to earning a passive income…

Who is Sara?

Sara Young is a stay at home mom of 7 kids who earns a full-time income online. She does what she teaches, which unfortunately is quite uncommon these days.

Until 2009 Sara made her full-time income from affiliate marketing alone.

In 2009 Sara started teaching her methods and has since helped thousands of people to build their affiliate income business.

Many people made their first dollars online while following Sara’s methods, after trying for months and even years without any success.

Keywords are always critical in getting traffic to your site or social media. See how to find  keywords that won’t be over-run by your competition, because they won’t know how to get them.

Get Unique Keywords Now.

Download the Keyword Cheat-Sheet Checklist

Other Related Articles

What is Easy Paycheck Formula 2?

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Facebook: The Tools to Reach Out to More Clients

Facebook Marketing: The Tools For Reaching Out To More Clients


Facebook kind of started out as a social networking website that was designed for use for college students of all things.

However, because of the interactive tools that it can offer, it is now widely available for many people from different parts of the world. Whoever you are and wherever you are, you will now be able to join Facebook.

With Facebook, you will now be able to keep in touch with your friends as well as make new friends. However, the best thing about Facebook is probably its tools that you can use to market your business. Facebook is now one of the most popular websites today. With over 62 million active members from all over the world and still growing, you will see that this website is now somewhat of a large community.

You will see different people here from all walks of life.

With this figures, you will see that it will have the potential in providing you a way to market your products or services. It has tons of traffic and a lot of potential in providing your website with more targeted traffic.

You may ask why Facebook became one of the best places to market on the internet. Basically, Facebook is different from other social networking websites. Unlike other social networking websites, you will see that Facebook will be able to offer you different kinds of useful applications or tools that you can use to market your products or services. The applications on Facebook will let you market your products or services far more effectively than the available tools in most social networking websites.

By adding applications in your Facebook page, such as games, groups, and quizzes, you will be able to get people to view your Facebook page and help you market your products or services. The best thing about the application is that it is free.

Facebook is definitely a great place in the internet to market in. With the ability to drive targeted traffic to your website, you can be sure that you will be able to have lots of fun marketing your products. You have to consider the fact that Facebook is about networking. If a particular person in your friends list loved your products, they will most likely tell their friends in their Facebook friends list about the product and encourage them to purchase from you.

This is how Facebook marketing basically works. You’ll be surprised as to how many people will be quite interested in what you have to offer. You have to remember that targeted traffic is the key to internet marketing. If you are marketing your products or services in Facebook, you can be sure that you will be able to get a lot of targeted traffic in your business website.

So, the next time you plan on marketing on the internet, you might want to join Facebook. It’s free, it’s easy, and it’s a lot of fun. With Facebook, you will really have great time marketing and also profit from it at the same time.

With Facebook, internet marketing is easier and a lot cheaper than ever before. Remember these things and you will be able to see how much potential Facebook will be able to provide your business with.

Facebook and Keywords

Keywords are always critical in getting traffic to your site or social media. See how to find  keywords that won’t be over-run by your competition, because they won’t know how to get them.

Get Unique Keywords Now.

Download the Keyword Cheat-Sheet Checklist

Other Related Articles

Facebook: The Tools to Reach Out to More Clients

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Facebook: An Effective Tool to Increase Your Sales

Facebook: An Effective Tool to Increase Your Sales


 Today, the internet is one of the most popular places for businesses to advertise in. Every website you visit, you will see that there will be advertising everywhere. This is called internet marketing.

If you have a business of your own and you want to effectively market your products or services, you will see that the internet will be one huge bulletin board that you can advertise in. Here, you will be able to virtually advertise anything and it is open for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

With hundreds of millions of people visiting the internet on a daily basis from all over the world, you can be sure that advertising here will definitely increase your sales.

One great website that you may want to concentrate your online advertising campaign on is Facebook. Today, this social networking website is now considered to be one of the largest social networking websites existing. Here, you will see that over 62 million people are now active members and are still continually increasing.

With figures like this, you know that it will provide you with a very big opportunity to increase your sales and your profit. In fact, it is so huge that large companies or corporations are now marketing on Facebook.

Basically, Facebook is a social networking website. Once you join, you will be able to find your friends who are also a member and add them to your list. This will create a small group of your friends and it will enable you to view their profiles and know more about them and vice versa. You can even send and receive messages as well as comments.

Also, you will be able to post on bulletins that your friends will be able read.

These are the things that you can do with Facebook. It is basically the fastest growing social networking websites today. Because of this, a lot of people have started marketing on Facebook. The great thing about Facebook marketing is that it provides a free and easy way to promote products and services. With the included tools in Facebook, you will be able to take advantage of it, such as the Stumble Upon and Digg buttons to promote your website or your products and services.

This is a great way to generate targeted traffic to your website and it will enable you to increase the potential in selling your products and services as well as increase the volume of sales.

Because Facebook is available for people from all over the world, your business will be able to reach out to more people if you advertise on Facebook.

In today’s ever competitive business world, you know that you need to use every tool available in order to get ahead of your competitors. So, the next time you are thinking about marketing your business online, you might want to try marketing in Facebook. Here, you will be able to reach out to more people and it is also easy to do so and the best thing about it is that it’s free.

With Facebook, you will definitely be able to efficiently market your business. Marketing in Facebook is free, easy, and fun.

These are the things that you need to remember whenever you want to try marketing online. Try joining Facebook and you will see the potential on letting it help your business grow.

Facebook and Keywords

Keywords are always critical in getting traffic to your site or social media. See how to find  keywords that won’t be over-run by your competition, because they won’t know how to get them.

Get Unique Keywords Now.

Download the Keyword Cheat-Sheet Checklist

Other Related Articles

Facebook: An Effective Tool to Increase Your Sales

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Keyword Competition Killing You?

Let Me Tell You A Secret


You know what, if you’re an Internet marketer, and especially is you are an affiliate marketer, then you have to know that finding the right profitable, long tail keywords is the actual KEY to bringing massive traffic to your website.

Make no mistake! The universal law– TRAFFIC = $$$.

But there is a huge problem, and that problem may be worse than you think.

The problem is… COMPETITION. It’s killing your profits.

Let me explain…

Most people are using the same tool to find keywords. Sure, that tool used to be the Google Keyword Tool. Many have tried to move to the Keyword Planner, but they are using it just the way they used to with the keyword tool.

Even if you have found and expensive keyword tool, the problem is the same!

All tools pull data from Google. They need to, Google has the data, but if you do what everyone else is doing–you are going to get the same results as everyone else.

You may even find great keywords that no-one seems to be targeting. But over-time everyone else seems to find the same keywords.

Well, what if I told you that I found one weird trick that solves this problem?

What if Google could be taught to provide you unique, super-buyer-targeted keywords that aren’t being shown to every one else?

It would be a gold mine, wouldn’t it?

Check out this step-by-step guide to getting those money getting keywords that won’t be over-run by your competition, because they won’t know how to get them.

Get Unique Keywords Now.

Download the Keyword Cheat-Sheet Checklist

Other Related Articles

Keyword Competition Killing You?

Monday, September 30, 2013

Need Another 350 Leads?


Subject: FREE Training: 350 Leads Per Day on Facebook?

Want to learn the secret to getting

hundreds of FREE leads every day?


“Discover the simple formula I use to

pull in up to 350 free leads per day

using only my Facebook account…”


Act quickly, this free training

won’t be available for long…

Dean Giles

Are you ANGRY about Google Pulling their Keyword Tool?

Thrive with the new Keyword Planner: How to manual

Download the Cheat-Sheet Checklist

Other Related Articles


Need Another 350 Leads?

Friday, September 27, 2013

Adwords Keyword Tool

If you are looking for the FREE Keyword Tool…

free-keyword-toolI’m sorry, but it has been pulled. Google pulled the rug out from under a lot of people with the removal of the Adwords Keyword tool.

Sometimes Google can be so frustrating!

Have you noticed how your website can bounce up and down in the SERP because Google changed and algorithm or simply because they were cycling.

It is just so irritating. But, nothing like the irritation that I felt when I discovered that they were getting rid of one of my favorite tools–the adwords keyword tool.

The Keyword Planner

The keyword planner tool was supposed to take its place–but I didn’t like the interface.  I struggled with it, but I finally came to terms with it.

Keyword Planner 1



View count


I finally discovered what it takes to make the keyword planner work for me. It is a system or a method that takes me to the next level. It avoids the run-of-the-mill and high competition terms and lets me focus on the buyer-targeted, low-competition, long-tail keywords.

The method is amazing, and you can find out about it here.

Keyword Planner: How to manual

Download the Cheat-Sheet Checklist

Other Related Articles


Adwords Keyword Tool

A Letter From a Friend

love-emailI Love Email

I love getting email. I like hearing from friends, some who I don’t hear from very often. I have an online business that I’m proud of, and part of that business is affiliate marketing. I have products of my own, and do all that I can to get the word out about those products, but I continue to do affiliate marketing because it is such a good business.

Here is what my friend Connie Green had to say about it in a letter, she hit it on the nose, just hear what she has to say:

Affiliate Marketing Tips – Why Recommending What You Love Is An Excellent Business Model

By Connie Ragen Green

Affiliate marketing is the process of recommending something you love to someone else who could benefit from it, in return for a commission. This is done regularly in business in the offline world, where people will recommend a product or service in exchange for payment of some type.

When I was working in real estate it was commonplace for us to refer a client to another real estate agent who could better help that particular client for any of a number of reasons. When the property was sold we would receive a commission check for about twenty-five percent of the overall commission earned on that transaction. If we referred someone for a loan, this was not something we could be compensated for because it was strictly regulated.

On the Internet, just about everything is available for you to promote as an affiliate. I prefer digital products for a couple of reasons. They can be downloaded immediately after being purchased, no matter what time of day it is for the person who is making the purchase. If it doesn’t meet the expectations of the buyer, they can receive a refund easily, and the affiliate commission is typically fifty percent of the purchase price. I buy these products and courses on a regular basis, so it’s easy for me to know which ones are the best.

Recommending what you love to others will also make you feel very good about what you are doing online. I can remember telling one of my closest friends about how I was learning to blog back in 2006, and she asked me if I would send her the link to the course I was taking. She ended up joining the course as well, earning me a handsome commission as an affiliate for this program.

I thought that as soon as I had my own courses and digital products I probably wouldn’t recommend anyone else’s programs. I was completely wrong about this. It turns out that being an affiliate for the best people and products available on the Internet enhances my business and allows me to earn even greater profits over time.

I would encourage you to learn more about this and see how you can build your online business very quickly by having your pick of the best inventory in your niche. Make sure to purchase it first to make sure it is something you would recommend to the people who come to you for advice when it comes to using the affiliate marketing model.

Remember that the reason to start an Internet business is to give you the time and financial freedom to live the life you choose. Get started today with your Affiliate Marketing Secrets Explained course – only $97 as an Introductory Offer.

Connie Ragen Green

I appreciated the advice that Connie gave me back then, and continue to look to her for leadership.

Lately I have been frustrated with Google. As soon as I get something working just a little bit, Google changes the rules and updates their algorithms. The latest slap in the face was pulling the Google Keyword Tool.

I got a hold of their replacement, the Keyword Planner, and could see through it immediately. Google was in the advertising business, and the Planner was the “fastest way know to man” to get new keywords into a PPC campaign.

I didn’t give up though, I kept working with it, and found that it could be used like the old keyword tool in spite of changes that didn’t help keyword research users. I did find some amazing exploits of new features, however, and I wanted to share them with everyone.

I discovered a simple method to pull unique, buyer-targeted, high-converting, low-competition keywords out of this tool by using it in a unique way.

You have to see my methods–they are simple and effective. Fight back! Start using Google’s new tool in a better way, and get better results than you EVER got out of the old keyword tool.

Check it out here.

Keyword Planner: How to manual

Download the Cheat-Sheet Checklist

Other Related Articles

A Letter From a Friend

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Free Wordpress Themes

confusedConfused By All of The WordPress Plugins?

There are thousands of WP plugins, and sometimes it is just confusing to know which ones to use, and which ones to avoid.

Many of these plugins are free, but not all of them are useful, or do what you think they might do.

If you think it might be useful to find out what the top 20 plugins used by a couple of incredibly successful online entrepreneurs–this is the opportunity for you.

Connie Regan Green and Adrienne Dupree have come together to demystify the choosing of WordPress Plugins.

If you have a WordPress blog or a WordPress site, you will probably need at least a few plugins. Here is your chance to find out which ones are being used by some real Online VIPs.

Check it Out Here

Make the critical things easy and automatic. You deserve this kind of foundation for you business.

Get the list of plugins here.


Keyword Planner: How to manual

Download the Cheat-Sheet Checklist


Free Wordpress Themes

Golden Keywords

What could you be making, if you could average $.5 to $1 per visitor, and/or $2-$5.50 per click? Would that make a difference to your business. It’s all in the keywords that Google pays you the most for in the Adsense Program-And we deliver the Exact Money Making Keywords to YOU!


Unbelievable! Isn’t it?

Imagine the information high-way lined with golden eggs just for you. Take your pick of these amazing niches and keywords.  We’ve done all of the research for you, you just have to add them to your web pages. And we have an awesome theme header for each niche. A very simple system that anyone can run.

What is it?

This isn’t just any Adsense Theme pack, this is a recipe for a full time income source. All the ingredients are provided to generate hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands in Adsense revenue per month. We’ve created the Goose that lays the Golden Eggs, its up to you to feed it and nurture it – treat it right and it will lay Golden Eggs for you!

Imagine creating a healthy full time income from just 10 Adsense websites. We’ve managed to source 545 keyphrases that are virtual Adsense gold, and have the potential to allow you to do just that.

Each keyphrase has a minimum estimated CPC of $20, moving right up as high as $56.12. With the estimation that an Adsense publisher can expect to receive approximately 10 of CPC, that puts every one of these keyphrases at roughly $2 to $5.50 per click.

To get you off to a flying start with attacking these golden keyphrases, we’ve created ten niche WordPress themes, purpose built to make it easy for you to start targeting these keyphrases and generating Adsense golden eggs. Each theme comes with its own dedicated, niche specific list of high paying keywords. All you need to do is setup one WordPress site with each theme, and base your content on the included list of keyphrases. Use your preferred method of traffic generation, and watch those big value clicks come in.

To put things in perspective, lets run a couple of numbers. Say for example you set up your ten sites, add content and start driving traffic. In the beginning, you get one click a day on each of your ten sites. With an estimated $2 to $5.50 for each one of those clicks, you will already be earning $20 to $55 per day, or $600 to $1650 per month. That’s just from one click a day on each site!

Lets say you then hone your technique and your approach, and you build your ten sites up to the point where each is getting 10 clicks per day. Still a relatively small and achievable number of clicks. But when you are targeting these keyphrases, 10 clicks per day on each site will equate to between $200 and $550 per day, or $6000 to $16500 per month!

So, obviously we can’t tell you what each of the ten niches are without giving away the special sauce, so to speak. But, what we will do, is give away what one of the niches is, by showing you a demo of one of the themes. Each of the other themes has the same layout format as this demo, with colors and header graphics to suit the niche it is targeting. Check it out:

Whilst we can’t show you demos of the other themes, we can give you the numbers on each niche:

Niche One – 58 keyphrases, estimated CPCs from $20.00 – $38.12

Niche Two – 61 keyphrases, estimated CPCs from $20.44 – $41.73

Niche Three – 35 keyphrases, estimated CPCs from $20.88 – $40.11

Niche Four – 39 keyphrases, estimated CPCs from $21.54 – $46.15

Niche Five – 68 keyphrases, estimated CPCs from $20.09 – $39.62

Niche Six – 62 keyphrases, estimated CPCs from $20.40 – $47.19

Niche Seven – 79 keyphrases, estimated CPCs from $20.82 – $45.00

Niche Eight – 29 keyphrases, estimated CPCs from $23.78 – $54.61

Niche Nine – 62 keyphrases, estimated CPCs from $20.06 – $52.93

Niche Ten – 52 keyphrases, estimated CPCs from $20.29 – $56.12

Weve also included PLR and resale rights, just to help make sure the value levels of this pack are way over the top. The PSDs for the headers are included, so you’ll be able to give each site your own unique name and branding.
The pack include the following features:

10 niche specific high CPC keyword lists: A total of 545 keyphrases, with estimated CPCs from $20.00 to $56.12

10 x WordPress 2.8 compatible niche targeted themes.

Each theme has Adsense already in place, just plugin your IDs and the ads are yours.

Adsense units are optimally placed, for maximum CTR:

728 x 15 Link Unit directly under page menu

160 x 600 Ad Blocks – 1 in each sidebar, aligned to the top and bottom of the content area

468 x 60 Ad Block – located at the bottom of the homepage content area

200 x 200 Ad Block – nestled in the top left corner of each individual post

Google search integrated, for even more revenue.

Royalty free, resell friendly images – we’ve created the graphics by hand, and the images are our own unique 3D renders.

10 x header graphics, so you can change the theme names and header presentation.

Promotional graphics – to help you with reselling the pack we’ve included a 3D boxshot and the header graphic you see above.

Get your copy of the Golden Goose – High CPC Adsense Theme & Keyword Pack.

You need to act now. This is a ONE TIME Offer

Grab your copy of this useful, and timely product that will bring in income over and over again. Don’t waste your time on keywords that bring you pennies per click, it takes an incredible amount of traffic to make those even pay for themselves let alone make a profit. What you need are the exact keywords that bring in high CPC and can compound your income click after click. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by, pick up your copy today.



Golden Keywords