Friday, September 27, 2013

Adwords Keyword Tool

If you are looking for the FREE Keyword Tool…

free-keyword-toolI’m sorry, but it has been pulled. Google pulled the rug out from under a lot of people with the removal of the Adwords Keyword tool.

Sometimes Google can be so frustrating!

Have you noticed how your website can bounce up and down in the SERP because Google changed and algorithm or simply because they were cycling.

It is just so irritating. But, nothing like the irritation that I felt when I discovered that they were getting rid of one of my favorite tools–the adwords keyword tool.

The Keyword Planner

The keyword planner tool was supposed to take its place–but I didn’t like the interface.  I struggled with it, but I finally came to terms with it.

Keyword Planner 1



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I finally discovered what it takes to make the keyword planner work for me. It is a system or a method that takes me to the next level. It avoids the run-of-the-mill and high competition terms and lets me focus on the buyer-targeted, low-competition, long-tail keywords.

The method is amazing, and you can find out about it here.

Keyword Planner: How to manual

Download the Cheat-Sheet Checklist

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Adwords Keyword Tool

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