Thursday, September 5, 2013

My Most Important Lesson

My Most Important Lesson


In my pursuit of making money online, I have read hundreds of eBooks and products. I have tried lots and lots of methods and mediums for accomplishing that goal. Unlike many people that I have read about, I have had mild success with just about every method. I can say with confidence that blog marketing works, the article marketing works, that facebook and twitter marketing work. I have sold affiliate products, and I have sold products of my own.

However, every attempt that I made to scale my successes ended up in failure.

At the time I couldn’t understand why. I was very thorough in reading the products that I picked up, and I followed through meticulously with every detail that I was given, but nothing was really becoming consistent for me.

I can now look back and say that most of the inconsistency was due to my dependence on Google for traffic, and that I was never building a base of customers, just going through them as fast as they came to my sight and left.

My aha moment came over one of the re-reads of Marlon Sander’s products. I had read this, but it didn’t sink in. I had let it flow past me as though he had been talking to someone else and not me.

He had always said that that building a list was the most important part of the system, and I had squeeze pages and giveaway products galore to accomplish just that—I just wasn’t getting any conversions. I kept playing with the sales copy, and obviously wasn’t making headway, because I couldn’t even GIVE AWAY my reports.

But, I finally caught the vision of what he said, when I re-read that I needed to create a chart. The chart simply had the number of opt-ins for the day, the week, and the month. So, I started a chart. It had the dates for a month, and I placed a dot on each daily line to represent the opt-ins for the day. I had a lot of zeros to start with, but every day I tried to do something that would put one or more opt-ins on the chart.

I began to have days where there were four or five. Those days made me happy. I strive for at least one new opt-in per day, and try to add another article or blog post or forum comment that could possibly bring that one more person to my list.

If you only do one thing that could change your business, let it be this one. Make up your mind to build your list. Make a chart today, and start charting opt-ins. You will probably see a lot of zeros to start with—I did. But, that gave me the burning desire to change and to focus on that one goal.

If you haven’t looked at Marlon Sanders Traffic Dashboard, take a look at it here.

Zig Ziggler once said that you will get what you want in life if you help enough people get what they want. Building this list is how you help all of those people, and your success will be measured by what you bring to them.

If you aren’t on my list, join my list here, and get 5 critical Internet Marketing short reports that you can even give away to build your list.

I hope that I am providing the value that you need.

If you have any specific questions about earning an income online, send them to me at I’m not on my email 24/7 so allow for a couple of business days for me to get back to you, but I will do my best to answer your questions.

To your continued success,

Dean Giles




Disclosure: The links above may be affiliate links, which means that I may get some recompense if you buy from those links. This in no way affects what you will be paying for the product, and in many cases these are products that I use every day in my business.



My Most Important Lesson

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